Sebastian Gomez Abero / Larry Davis Rage Comet R200T before the event.
John Gusmano / Blake Richards VW GTI before the event.
Kris Pfotenhauer / Lynn Hartman Porsche 944 before the event.
Ian McCarty / Hailey McCarty Subaru Impreza 2.5RS before the event.
Camden Sheridan / Jeremy Frey Subaru Impreza Outback Sport before the event.
Chase Blakely / Mike Callaway VW GTI before the event.
Tim Michel's rally car hauler was present, however Tim's Audi was not.
Jonathon Nagel / Chris Woodry Subaru Impreza 2.5RS before the event.
Colin Schulz / Ian Nelson Subaru WRX STi before the event.
Kidril and Stan and I made it to an awesome rocky outcrop as our spot for the entire day!
An immature stink bug crawls around on a birch leaf.
The rocky outcrop is steeper than pictures show, but it's an awesome spot to shoot from!
The Kidrilmobile in its majestic glory!