Scott Parrott / Breon Nagy Dodge Neon through the spectator point on SS13, Sockeye Lake.
Dan Adamson / Jeremiah Schubitzke Saturn SL2 through the spectator point on SS13, Sockeye Lake.
Bryan Holder / Tracy Payeur Plymouth Neon through the spectator point on SS13, Sockeye Lake.
Dave Cizmas / ??? come through a hairpin left on SS13, Sockeye Lake, running as med sweep in their VW GTI.
Erick Nelson / Greg Messler Ford Probe GT leaves the start of SS15, Sugar Bush.
Mike Merbach / Jeff Feldt VW Jetta leaves the start of SS15, Sugar Bush.
Paul Ritchie / Drew Ritchie Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX leaves the start of SS15, Sugar Bush.
Scott Parrott / Breon Nagy Dodge Neon leaves the start of SS15, Sugar Bush.
Dan Adamson / Jeremiah Schubitzke Saturn SL2 leaves the start of SS15, Sugar Bush.
Bryan Holder / Tracy Payeur Plymouth Neon leaves the start of SS15, Sugar Bush.
Mark McElduff / Damien Irwin Subaru WRX STi leaves the start of SS16, Perkins.
Doug Shepherd / Pete Gladysz Mitsubishi Eclipse leaves the start of SS16, Perkins.
Matthew Johnson / Wendy Nakamoto Subaru WRX leaves the start of SS16, Perkins.
Tim Paterson / John Allen Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII leaves the start of SS16, Perkins.
Cary Kendall / Scott Friberg Eagle Talon leaves the start of SS16, Perkins.