Doug Dill / Tyler Dill head uphill at the crossroads spectator hairpin in their Mazda RX-7.
The Rob Dupree / Travis Kriza Dodge Colt slides sideways uphill through the mud at the crossroads spectator location.
The Chris Huntington / Andy Mohrlant Mazda 323GTX heads uphill at the crossroads hairpin spectator location.
The Mike Cienkosz / Yurek Cienkosz Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX heads uphill at the crossroads spectator hairpin.
The Brian Rehbein / Crystal Johnston Plymouth Laser heads uphill at the crossroads spectator hairpin.
Doug Davenport / Rob Bohn head uphill at the crossroads spectator hairpin in their VW Golf.
Dave S. Cizmas / Dave L. Cizmas VW GTI heads uphill at the crossroads spectator hairpin.
Mike Merbach / Keith Dahlke head uphill at the crossroads hairpin in their VW GTI.
Dave Sterling / Stacy Sehr head uphill at the crossroads spectator hairpin in their Dodge Omni GLH.
The Mike Christopherson / Brian Dondlinger VW Jetta heads uphill at the crossroads spectator hairpin.
Paul Dunn / Pete Gossett won the event in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IV seen crossing the flying finish of the last stage.
Todd Jarvey / Rich Faber come through the flying finish of the last stage in their Mitsubishi Galant VR4.
Bob Nielsen / Al Kintigh come through the flying finish of the final stage in their VW GTI in the pouring rain.
The Ron Nelson / Rick Burtis Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII comes into the flying finish of the last stage.
The Mark Buskirk / Paul Fernandez VW GTI comes through the final corner of the event.