Chris Czyzio / Eric Carlson slow their Mitsubishi Eclips GSX down for a hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 957
Chris Czyzio / Eric Carlson drift their Mitsubishi Eclips GSX through the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 917
The Bryan Hourt / Pete Cardimen Honda Civic sets up for the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/28/2014
Views: 937
The Bryan Hourt / Pete Cardimen Honda Civic drifts nicely through the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 954
Mark Cox / Jim Gill slow for the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II, in their Mazda 323GTX.
Date: 01/28/2014
Views: 923
Mark Cox / Jim Gill take the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II, in their Mazda 323GTX.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 894
The Eric Burmeister / Mark Buskirk VW GTI slows down for the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/28/2014
Views: 915
Eric Burmeister / Mark Buskirk VW GTI drifts through the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 908
The Jim Anderson / Martin Dapot Honda Prelude VTEC drifts through the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 1049
The Sylvester Stepniewski / Adam Pelc Audi 4000 Quattro slows for the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/28/2014
Views: 848
The Sylvester Stepniewski / Adam Pelc Audi 4000 Quattro drifts through the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 870
The Mark Utecht / Brenda Corneliusen Dodge Omni GLH-Turbo slows down for the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 878
The Mark Utecht / Brenda Corneliusen Dodge Omni GLH-Turbo hits the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 887
Greg Healey / John MacLeod set up for the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II, in their Subaru Impreza.
Date: 01/28/2014
Views: 890
Greg Healey / John MacLeod take the hairpin on SS7, Ranch II, in their Subaru Impreza.
Date: 01/27/2014
Views: 905