Mike Speidel's Formcar Formula Vee ran in the Vintage Race
Terry Heffron's Formcar Formula Vee ran in the Vintage Race
???'s Autodynamics Mk. V Formula Vee ran in the Vintage Race
Jon Belanger's Autodynamics Mk. V Formula Vee ran in the Vintage Race
Lynn Anderson's Kellison Mk.1 Formula Vee ran in the Vintage Race
Roger Karnopp's ??? Formula Ford ran in the Vintage Race
John Miller's Van Diemen RF00 Formula Continental
Herb Miller's Van Diemen RF?? Formula Continental
Bill Bergeron's ??? Formula Continental
Kevin Hummel's ??? Formula Continental
Chuck Snyder's Formula Mazda
Dane Whaley's Van Diemen RF98 Formula Ford
Jerrod Lindquist's Citation Formula Ford