Scott Harvey, Jr. / Al Zifilippo have a big off in their Dodge Colt GT on SS3.
Cal Landau / Eric Marcus Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX at speed before the flying finish on the last stage prior to the lunch break.
Tom Ottey / Pam McGarvey Mazda 323GTX comes into the flying finish of the stage before the first service.
Brian Pepp / Jerry Stang at speed before a fast right-hander on the stage prior to the lunch break.
Gail Truess / Pattie Hughes at speed in their Mazda 323GTX before the first service.
Mark Utecht / Diane Sargent Dodge Omni GLH-Turbo at speed on the stage before the midday lunch break.
Mark Utecht / Diane Sargent Dodge Omni GLH-Turbo churns up snow through a fast left-hander before the lunch break.
Karl Scheible / Gail McGuire head uphill toward spectators on the last stage before the lunch break in their VW GTI.
Celsus Donnelly / Brendan Lawless Eagle Talon blasts past spectators at a turn on the stage before the lunch break.
Henry Krolikowski / Cindy Krolikowski set their Dodge Shadow up for a fast left-hander on the stage before the lunch break.
Sylvester Stepniewski / Adam Pelc at speed in their Audi 4000 Quattro before the first service. They were an early DNF.
Wayne Prochaska / Annette Prochaska at speed in their VW Golf on the stage prior to the lunch break.
Eric Schroeder / Jeff Secor VW Jetta at speed on the stage just prior to the lunch break.
Garen Shrader / Doc Schrader Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 4 at speed before the lunch break.
They lost time on SS2 and 3 due to flat tires.
Eric Burmeister / Mark Buskirk VW GTI at speed before the first service.
The car was an early DNF after receiving suspension damage from a hard snowbank.